Love this, Hyojin! Your watercoloring is fabulous! Your card says it all even without sentiment. Well done! Thanks so much for playing with us at CASology. May
Another beautiful card for this week's cue word at CASology! The background images are perfect behind that lovely mother and infant image. Thanks for joining us at CASology!
Love this, Hyojin! Your watercoloring is fabulous! Your card says it all even without sentiment. Well done! Thanks so much for playing with us at CASology. May
답글삭제작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.
삭제Thanks May~~
삭제I'm happy.Because your visit my website.
.....Hugs, May*^^*
Another beautiful card for this week's cue word at CASology! The background images are perfect behind that lovely mother and infant image. Thanks for joining us at CASology!
답글삭제Thank you for trying to understand my card.
삭제Very lovely the glow of a new mom and baby, LOVE this!! Thanks for joining us at CASology, we LOVE it when you do!!!!!
답글삭제thank you very much. I'm very grateful.